Baltic Artists Book Market 2015

I think Janet’s blog about BALTIC Artists’ Book Market 2015 is great. She says quite correctly, “It’s very difficult to explain to people the concept of the artist’s book in this context” and i believe it’s a name well known amongst artists book-makers but little understood outside the field and there’s a need to rectify that gap in understanding. I think at BALTIC where they did lots to promote the two day event on socila media and on the first floor of the gallery plus a little notice on a tripod at the stairs as you entered the building BUT the term ‘Artist’s books’ can be off-putting to anyone who is unaware of the beauty that lies withing (the field). I’m not being silly nor joking. Some people i know who happen to be very bright, intelligent and who get about have been fascinated to see what ‘artist’s books’ compose of/can be. But, think of the first timer who comes across a poster which talks about ‘an artists book’ event. Those uninitiated might be put off thinking that this event is only for ‘artists’ and they are not that, it can be intimidating. I believe after recent participation at Oxford, Bristol and now Gatesheadthere is a lot of simple work to be done to increase those willing to put their feet over the threshold into the ‘market-place’. I am going to suggest maybe the name be changed from ‘Artists Books’ to something like, ‘Books by Artist Makers’ B..BAM, B..BAM! Let’s think about it?
Pete Kennedy Artist-Maker of Beautiful Books

Janet E Davis Art

This is the third of the Baltic Artists Book Markets that I have attended. This one was held on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th July at the Baltic Mill, Gateshead. I went to the first because I knew of it through Theresa Easton who organises them – and I found it interesting. The second one had the added attraction of a couple of my friends from way back showing their work. I had thought I might try making some suitable work and getting a table myself for this year’s. The 2015 call for proposals happened before I’d put the thought into action however, so I decided to concentrate on seeing other people’s work, trying to take photos and tweet about the event to try to encourage others to visit.

It’s very difficult to explain to people the concept of the artist’s book in this context, especially in the medium of…

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